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Writer's picture: fleurishlivingfleurishliving

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

The word “chakra” is Sanskrit for “wheel” or “disc”, and it refers to the energy centers within the human body. There are seven chakras that run from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head. Each chakra moves energy inside of you. When each chakra is balanced, you can experience harmony between your body, mind, and spirit. 

It is important to keep your chakras balanced. When your chakras are imbalanced, it can cause other chakras to become imbalanced as well.

How to Balance The Root Chakra

If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Root chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Root Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that have an earthy aroma and grounding effects. Apply oils to your feet, legs, and base of the spine. Some essential oils for the root chakra include Vetiver, Frankincense, Patchouli, and Pine. 

  • Yoga for Root Chakra: Performing certain yoga poses can help re-establish feelings of being grounded and secure. Try the lotus pose, child’s pose, triangle pose, and garland pose. 

  • Connect With The Earth and Others: Re-establish feelings of security by forming stronger and harmonious relationships with those around you, your environment, and Mother Earth. You can spend time outside in nature, or plant a garden. 

  • Meditation for Root Chakra: By meditating and focusing on your connection to spirit and earth, you can balance your root chakra. 

  • Root Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some root chakra affirmations include “I feel deeply rooted”, “I love my body”, “I am grounded”, “My home is safe and secure”, “My future is financially secure”, and “I have” phrases. 

  • Root Chakra Crystals: The root chakra’s complementary gemstone is bloodstone. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your root chakra. 

  • Root Chakra Foods: Eating red and root foods can help restore balance to your root chakra. These foods include raspberries, turnips, beetroot, potatoes, garlic, and onions. 

How to Balance The Sacral Chakra 

When your sacral chakra is imbalanced, it can disrupt your emotional and physical health. If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced sacral chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Sacral chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Sacral Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that have cleansing and balance effects. Apply oils to your abdomen, just beneath the navel. Some essential oils for the sacral chakra include Orange, Rose, and Ylang Ylang. 

  • Yoga for Sacral Chakra: Performing hip-opening yoga poses can help balance your sacral chakra and restore your inner passion. Try the warrior 2 pose, goddess pose, and pigeon pose. 

  • Connect With Water: The sacral chakra is connected to the water element. You can help balance your sacral chakra by reconnecting with water. Take a warm bath or wade in a body of water. 

  • Practice Creativity: As the center of your creativity, your sacral chakra can become balanced when you participate in creative activities, such as drawing, dancing, or writing. 

  • Meditation for Sacral Chakra: By meditating and focusing on things that you enjoy in life, you can balance your sacral chakra. 

  • Sacral Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some sacral chakra affirmations include “I am passionate”, “I feel at peace”, “I am open to experiencing the present moment”, and “I feel” phrases. 

  • Sacral Chakra Crystals: The sacral chakra’s complementary gemstone is carnelian. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your sacral chakra. 

  • Sacral Chakra Foods: Because the sacral chakra is identified by the color orange, eat orange foods to help balance your second chakra. These foods include carrots, sweet potatoes, and orange bell peppers.  

How to Balance The Solar Plexus Chakra 

When your solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, it can disrupt your relationships with others and yourself. If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced solar plexus chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Solar Plexus chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Solar Plexus Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that promote feelings of confidence, motivation, and courage. Apply oils to your abdomen, a few inches above the navel. Some essential oils for the solar plexus chakra include Cedarwood, Lavender, and Rosemary. 

  • Yoga for Solar Plexus Chakra: Performing certain yoga poses can help balance your solar plexus chakra and restore your sense of self-confidence. Try the boat pose, bow pose, lion pose, and seated spinal twist. 

  • Get Outside: The solar plexus chakra is connected to the fire element. Spending time outside in the sun can help restore balance to this chakra. 

  • Try New Things: Because the solar plexus chakra is the center of your identity, trying new things can help open your chakra and more fully identify who you are. 

  • Meditation for Solar Plexus Chakra: By meditating and focusing on what makes you who are, you can balance your solar plexus chakra. 

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some solar plexus chakra affirmations include “I feel my own powers”, “I am authentic”, “I am free to choose in all situations”, and “I can” phrases. 

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals: The solar plexus chakra’s complementary gemstone is tiger’s eye. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your solar plexus chakra. 

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Foods: Because the solar plexus chakra is identified by the color yellow, eat yellow, starchy, and easily digestible foods to help balance your solar plexus chakra. These foods include pineapple, squash, corn, bananas, and beans. 

How to Balance The Heart Chakra 

When your heart chakra is imbalanced, it can disrupt your health and relationships. If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced heart chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Heart chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Heart Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that are uplifting and promote feelings of love, positivity, and joy. Apply oils to your chest area. Some essential oils for the heart chakra include Bergamot, Rose, Cypress, and Jasmine. 

  • Yoga for Heart Chakra: Performing chest-opening yoga poses can help balance your heart chakra and open your heart. Try the bow pose or camel pose. 

  • Get Fresh Air: The heart chakra is connected to the air element. Getting outside and away from the city, and breathing in the fresh air can help balance your heart chakra. 

  • Volunteer or Serve Others: Because the heart chakra is the center of love and compassion, try doing things that will put you in someone else’s shoes. Serving others or volunteering will help connect your compassion and empathy to others. You can also show yourself some love by taking some personal time. 

  • Meditation for Heart Chakra: By meditating and focusing on opening your heart, you can balance your heart chakra. 

  • Heart Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some heart chakra affirmations include “I am open to love”, “I love and accept myself”, “I live in a state of gratitude”, and “I love” phrases. 

  • Heart Chakra Crystals: The heart chakra’s complementary gemstone is rose quartz. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your heart chakra. 

  • Heart Chakra Foods: Because the heart chakra is identified by the color green, eat your greens and anything with chlorophyll. These foods include kale, celery, zucchini, broccoli, green grapes, kiwi, basil, and avocados.

How to Balance The Throat Chakra 

When your throat chakra is imbalanced, it can disrupt your ability to speak up. If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced throat chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Throat chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Throat Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that encourage creativity and clarity. Apply oils to your throat area. Some essential oils for the throat chakra include Peppermint, Basil, and Cypress. 

  • Yoga for Throat Chakra: Performing yoga poses that stretch and open your throat can help balance your throat chakra and restore your inner voice. Try the lion pose, shoulder stand, plow pose, and fish pose. 

  • Get Outside: The throat chakra is connected to the ether element, which is the space around the other elements. Spending time outside on cloudless days can help restore proper energy flow in your throat chakra. 

  • Speak Up: Because the throat chakra is the center of your communication and originality, try talking to others you feel comfortable with. You can also practice speaking aloud to yourself. 

  • Mediation for Throat Chakra: By meditating and focusing on opening your throat, you can balance your throat chakra. 

  • Throat Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some throat chakra affirmations include “I am open and honest in my communication”, “I have a right to speak my authentic truth”, “I know when to listen”, and “I speak” phrases. 

  • Throat Chakra Crystals: The throat chakra’s complementary gemstone is lapis lazuli. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your throat chakra. 

  • Throat Chakra Foods: As the center of your communication and because of its association with the color blue, eating blue foods can help balance your throat chakra. Some blue foods include blueberries, blue algae, and kelp. You can also eat foods that are healing or soothing, particularly for your thyroid. These foods include coconut water, herbal teas, and raw honey.

How to Balance The Third Eye Chakra 

When your third eye chakra is imbalanced, it can cause emotional and physical stress. If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced third eye chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Third Eye chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Third Eye Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that encourage balance and clarity of mind. Apply oils between the eyes and along the forehead. Some essential oils for the third eye chakra include Frankincense, Patchouli, and Rosemary. 

  • Yoga for Third Eye Chakra: Performing certain yoga poses can help balance your third eye chakra and restore your inner understanding. Try the fish pose, shoulder stand, and child’s pose. 

  • Get Outside: The third eye chakra is influenced by all light, including the moon and stars. Spending time outside in the sun or moonlight can balance your third eye chakra. 

  • Open Up To Wisdom: The third eye chakra is the center of your wisdom and understanding. To balance it, you can open your mind to new ideas and knowledge by reading, learning new perspectives, and journaling your thoughts. 

  • Meditation for Third Eye Chakra: By meditating and focusing on your connection to the world, you can balance your third eye chakra. 

  • Third Eye Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some third eye chakra affirmations include “I am in touch with my inner guidance”, “I trust my intuition”, “I am connected to the wisdom of the universe”, and “I see” phrases. 

  • Third Eye Crystals: The third eye chakra’s complementary gemstone is amethyst. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your third eye chakra. 

  • Third Eye Chakra Foods: The third eye chakra is responsible for the link between your mind and the outer world. Eating purple and dark-colored foods can help balance your third eye chakra. Try eating some blueberries, eggplant, purple potatoes, dark chocolate, and purple grapes. 

How to Balance The Crown Chakra 

When your crown chakra is imbalanced, it can disrupt your mental and physical well being. If you experience any symptoms of an imbalanced crown chakra, try one or more of the following ways to balance your Crown chakra: 

  • Aromatherapy for Crown Chakra: Diffuse or apply essential oils that uplift your spirits and inspire enlightenment. Apply oils to the crown of your head. Some essential oils for the crown include Jasmine, Cedarwood, and Lavender. 

  • Yoga for Crown Chakra: Performing yoga poses and exercises that increase blood flow to the brain and open the mind can help balance your crown chakra. Try headstands, the standing prayer pose, warrior 1 pose, and revolved bound half moon pose. 

  • Get Outside: The crown chakra is connected to everything around you. You can help balance your crown chakra by going outside and feeling your connection to everything. Try going for a hike and looking out over your view. 

  • Let Go: Recognize and remove material things that may hold you back from attaining higher consciousness. You can practice living a minimalist life or letting go of negative past experiences. 

  • Meditation for Crown Chakra: By meditating and focusing on your connection to everything around you, you can balance your crown chakra. 

  • Crown Chakra Affirmations: Affirmations can help reprogram negative thinking into positive thinking. Some crown chakra affirmations include “I honor the divine within me”, “I am at peace”, “I listen to the wisdom of the universe”, and “I know” phrases. 

  • Crown Chakra Crystals: The crown chakra’s complementary gemstone is clear quartz. Try meditating with the stone or carrying it with you to balance your crown chakra. 

  • Crown Chakra Foods: The crown chakra is about your mental and spiritual connection to the universe, but your body needs to energy to support your mind. However, one of the best ways to cleanse the body is to fast. Fasting also allows you to forget the physical and focus on the divine, which can strengthen your connection to everything. 


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