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Healing Plant Wisdom

Writer's picture: fleurishlivingfleurishliving

The plants were here on this Earth far before humans and their wisdom is far beyond our own limited human understanding. They are the ones who know how to heal sickness, how to mend and restore health. They know how to nourish and feed life. They know how to adapt and evolve, and have witnessed the ages of life on Earth. Their brilliance and intelligence is vast and profound beyond comprehension. In this way, they are our ancestors. And as herbalists, they should truly be our primary teachers. The plants are the healers, we are simply the ones with the feet and hands to carry their medicine to the people who need their help. This is the way I relate to the plants, and so this is how I wanted to honor them today as our first ancestors.

Connect with a plant and using each of your senses mindfully observe the plant..

  1. Sit comfortably and place a flower 12-16 inches in front of you at eye level and so that you are comfortable gazing without having to move your head.

  2. Ground yourself by taking a couple of deep, slow breaths in and out of your strong and radiant heart. Feel the stability of your feet, legs and pelvis, connecting with the earth-energy. Feel your spine lifting and rising up out of your pelvis, like the stem of a flower rising up out of the earth towards the sun.

  3. Allow your gaze to rest gently on the flower in front of you. Smile gently and say "Hello" to your flower. Thank the flower for allowing you to gaze at it.

  4. As you continue to gaze gently at the flower, allow your eyes to remain relaxed, soft, and receptive.

  5. As you gaze, become aware of the flower context and relationship of the entire room, while at the same time choosing to keep the flower in the foreground of your attention.

  6. Feel your eyes drinking in the color, shape, scent, and healing energy of the flower. Allow this healing energy to flow into your eyes, through your heart and into every cell of your body.

  7. Generate feelings of appreciation and gratitude for the beauty and gift generously offered by the flower.

  8. When you're ready to end the practice, allow your eyes to gently close. See if you can still feel the presence of the flower in front of you. Then take a couple of deep, slow breaths -- bringing your attention fully back into your own body. Rest quietly for a minute or two, noticing the effects of the practice, and then open your eyes.

Now, select one positive quality, attribute or characteristic (i.e. joy) to work with in this visualization. If you have more than one (1) quality, attribute or characteristic, rank them from most important to least important to you and then select the first one. Hold on to your list as you can return to it later.

Then, using all your senses, visualize the expression of this quality in your life. What would it look like? How would it feel? Once you have been able to fully visualize this and are able to experience the quality fully in your body, hold for several minutes, and then continue.

  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out of your strong and radiant heart.

  2. Ground yourself by running golden energy from the center of the universe down through the center of your body and through the soles of your feet into the center of the Earth.

  3. Intend and visualize a flower bud in front of you. Ground your flower bud by running energy from the center of the universe down through the flower and into the center of the Earth. Take a few minutes to gaze at and admire and appreciate the flower bud.

  4. Visualize and intend that the flower bud is blooming and its petals are sweeping around and through your body cleansing, healing, and removing what no longer serves you. Allow any energy that is not aligned with your highest good to release down the grounding cord and into the center of the earth.

  5. Continue to take slow deep breaths in and out of your strong and radiant heart. When you are ready, move the flower bud out about two feet away from your body and dissolve it. Feel the radiance and space that is in and around you.

  6. Now, create another flower bud and reground both yourself and your flower bud. Take a few minutes to gaze at and admire and appreciate the flower bud.

  7. Set your intention to beautifully, gracefully, and easily manifest your chosen quality, attribute or characteristic at the highest potential that is right for you at this time.

  8. Take a few deep breathes through your strong and radiant heart. As you inhale, visualize sending the chosen quality, attribute or characteristic to the flower. As you exhale speak aloud the quality, attribute or characteristic until it have been transferred to the flower. Allow any energy that is not aligned with this quality, attribute, or characteristic to release down the grounding cord and into the center of the earth.

  9. Visualize and intend your flower bud move into and sit inside your heart. Gaze upon the flower bud for several minutes.

  10. Visualize and intend that the flower bud is blooming petal by petal inside your heart.

  11. After about 5 minutes, begin to feel that your heart has become the flower. Notice, using all your senses, how you feel and how the flower affects you.

  12. When you're ready to end the practice, thank the flower.

  13. Take a couple of deep, slow breaths and slowly open your eyes.


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