Believe you are one Invite magic into your life Create your own enchanting wings
Always use your powers for good
Design your own reality full of happiness, peace, and love
Celebrate every day with laughter, songs, and play
Paint sunrises on rocks and leave them on empty doorsteps
Picnic with a grasshopper and unravel the mysteries of the universe
Plant your favorite cookie crumbs for the ants
Grow a wish garden and bring your dreams to life one by one
Blow kisses to gray clouds and paint your toenails with raindrops
Build elegant butterfly houses and rent them out for free
Find something beautiful in everyone you meet and remind them of it
Dance daily
Hug trees until you can feel a heart beating with yours
Share your secrets with our feathered and furry friends
Follow rainbows with kindred spirits and discover the treasures along the way
Fill empty spaces with flowers
Whisper your worries to dragonflies and let them be carried far, far away
Write poems about friendship, faith, and forgiveness and leave them on park benches
Nap in the grass and let ladybugs dance in your hair
Stretch time and space and travel to new lands
Explore the wonder of you
Soak your soul in sunsets—Twilight is a fairy’s finest hour
Listen to the quiet
Attend cricket symphonies by moonlight
Make wishes for other people on shooting stars
Let your wings carry you where no one else has been and light the way for others to follow
Spread the message: Everything is possible!
Remember, when you believe in yourself, you inspire others to do the same.
Written by Anam Cara Cat