t h e b r a i n + t h e c o n s c i o u s m i n d + c o m m u n i c a ti o n
"Just as Mercury, the deity, carries messages from our shadow self (the undiscovered self) to the outer world (the manifested self), so do our thoughts carry information from the inner and outer worlds."
-Adriana Ayales
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Its interior is composed of a huge iron core making it the densest of the planets.
In Roman mythology, Mercury (Greek, Hermes), with his winged feet, is known as the messenger of the gods. He was the god of trade and profit, merchants and travelers and associated with communication, transportation, flow, swiftness, playfulness and flexibility.
Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini (Air) and Virgo (Earth). The Ancients and modern astrologers, consider Mercury to be neutral, it is neither masculine nor feminine, positive nor negative, it takes on the qualities of whatever it aspects it comes in contact with.
Mercury represents the
mind, intellect, education
writing and other forms of communication
transportation, short trips
Mercury rules the
mental processes
nervous system
sensory nerves of sight, hearing, tactile nerves, and organs associated with the production of sound (taste is generally more associated to Venus)
hands, fingers and throat
Mercury rules herbs.
Mercurial herbs are stimulating and improving mental alertness, like the adaptogenic plant known as Brahmi, and Rhodiola (also known to be ruled by the Sun), as well as other master brain herbs like Ginkgo, and Gotu Kola. These brain herbs are masterful helpers as they are clinically proven to mentally increase mental function, they have also been spiritually used to enhance intuition.
These herbs, and the ones mentioned below, greatly help us when we must turn to the processes of logic, when communication is a key element to improve in order to achieve success. These herbs may support us in finding the needed clarity among the internal chaos of emotion and illusion.
Many of these herbs have been revered for their ability to help move consciousness between worlds. Those who wish to attune to the psychic mind, and increase a great deal of intuitive abilities, will be greatly enhanced with them. Those seeking to enhance (and protect) their clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, mediumship abilities, etc. can greatly benefit growing their practice by utilizing these herbal allies.
Medicinal Herbs: anemone (pulsatilla), bamboo, cedar, clover, geranium, gotu kola, ginkgo, green coffee (cascara applies too), honeysuckle, lady’s slipper, lavender, licorice, lily-of-the-valley, meadowsweet, mulberry, parsnips, pomegranate, rosemary, sassafras, saw palmetto, tulsi, tea (camellia thuja), valeriana, turmeric + rhodiola (also herbs of the sun)
Foods and Culinary Herbs: carrots, coffee celery, dill, fennel, fennugreek, matcha, marjoram, parsley, turmeric. Visionary Plants: mandrake, mexican tarragon
Essential Oils: lavender, lemongrass, lemon verbena, mint, peppermint, orange, rose, rosemary, vervain' Breathe™, Lung Support™, Digest™, Small Intestine™, Large Intestine™, Thyroid™, Parasympathetic™
Chakra: Sacral Chakra. "The most important function of this chakra is to break up fat cells in the stomach and provide the energy that is needed to renew white and gray cells in the brain. It also strengthens our thinking capacity. This chakra supports our sense of aesthetics and creativity in all fields. The ability to understand easily, come up with practical solutions to our problems in life and intelligence all come from this chakra. Mercury represents intelligence, the mind and creativity in astrology." -Planets and Chakras (sahajayogaportal.org)