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The Practice of Smudging, Part 3 - "The Smudge Bouquet"

Writer's picture: fleurishlivingfleurishliving

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

In this post, learn the method for creating a smudge bouquet.

A Smudging Prayer

May your hands be cleansed, that they create beautiful things.

May your feet be cleansed, that they might take you where you most need to be.

May your heart be cleansed, that you might hear its messages clearly.

May your throat be cleansed, that you might speak rightly when words are needed.

May your eyes be cleansed, that you might see the signs and wonders of the world.

May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants.

And may that same smoke carry our prayers, spiraling, to the heavens.

In her article, “Smudging: Plants, Purification, and Prayer”, Rosalyn LaPier (Blackfeet/Métis), Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Montana, writes “Smudging is the process of burning dried plants or other natural elements and then using the smoke to cleanse themselves, objects, or even places. The person places both hands over the smoke, takes the smoke within her hands, and beginning with her head and continuing downward, “washes” her entire body with the smoke. Elders say that smudging both decreases human odor and purifies and prepares a person to communicate with the supernatural.”

The Smudge Bouquet

A smudge can be made from a single plant or from multiple plants. A smudge “bouquet” is a synergistic blend designed around a primary goal or purpose. The primary plant supports the primary goal/purpose and additional plants support and enhance the synergy.

How to Create a Smudge Bouquet

Step 1: Determine the purpose for the smudge and set an intention. Setting an intention informs and focuses the mind, body, and heart around the specific purpose or aim. Here are just a few examples:

  • To clear, purify, or protect the energy of a person, room, space or object and invite in positive loving energy.

  • To bless a new home, a person or a space and invite in joy, peace and happiness.

  • To release illness or dis-ease or negative emotions and invite in positive or healing or light energy to flow.

  • To dissipate the energy after an argument or in ending a relationship and invite in clarity, forgiveness, and love.

  • To connect to spirit guides, guardian angels, animal totems, or ancestors and invite guidance and wisdom.

  • To offer prayers and to bring in strength and courage.

Step 2: Determine the bouquet plants.

  1. Select a plant that represents the central focus or theme and several plants that support the central theme. For example, let’s say that the purpose of smudging is to clear away stagnant energy in a particular space, so a bouquet might include Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort), lavender, rose, and rosemary as the supporting plants.

  2. Determine the preparation of the smudge – will it be used loose or bundled.

  • Loose smudge requires less material and is a good way to use individual pieces or smaller pieces of plant material. It is typically burned over hot coals in a fire pit or in a fire proof container.

  • Bundle smudge requires more material. It is typically burned while held or in a fire proof container. When held, a bowl or shell is held under the smudge to the ashes. Tip: You can untie the bundle and gently and carefully remove the plant material to use loosely.

Step 3: Gather the Materials

  • Plant material – You can use the plants that grow in your garden or you can source from a reputable and sustainable supplier.

  • Natural cotton twine, string, or embroidery thread. For making a bundle, the length will need to be approximately 3 to 5 times the length of the bundle.

  • Scissors

  • Drying rack for hanging the bundles or drying the loose plant material.

  • Air and moisture tight storage container. Optional: Add a moisture-absorbing desiccant.

“I think of sage as a friend who is helping me out, so I approach it with respect and gratitude, versus an attitude of ‘using’ it,” says Sameer Reddy, an intuitive coach and energy healer.

When you harvest, do so respectfully and responsibly to honor the plant and the environment.

  • Set an intention.

  • Select healthy plants

  • Harvest on a sunny day after the dew has evaporated to ensure that the leaves and flowers are dry to avoid mildew.

  • Use sustainable harvesting practices. Do not harvest more plant material than what you will use. A general rule is to harvest just 5-10% of a population, and better yet, plant a seed of the same variety whenever you remove a plant.

  • Approach the plant respectfully and asks for its permission to support your purpose and intention. If the plant declines, honor its decision. Say a prayer or leave an offering for the plant to thank it.

Want to learn more about wild harvesting, check out the Botany and Wildcrafting Course.

Step 4: Create a Bouquet

Loose Smudge: Loose plant material can be dried by laying them out on a mesh screen in an area with low humidity and low light. Once it is completely dried, and if applicable, crumble the plant material to the desired size for your purpose.

Bundled Smudge

  1. Determine the length and thickness of the bundle. Typically, bundles are between 2 “ in length and less than an 1”in diameter, which is about the diameter of the thumb and first finger when placed tip to tip.

  2. Arrange the dried plant material.

  3. Depending on the length of the plant material and the desired length of the smudge bundle, hold the plant material in one hand and gently fold it in half.

  4. Wrap the twine, string or thread around the end of the bundle, pull tightly, and tie a knot. With each knot created, state your intention.

  5. If necessary, trim the plant bundle to form a smooth even surface.

  6. Wrap the loose twine, string, or thread around the bundle moving from the base upward and then back down and winding in a crisscross manner.

  7. Finish by wrapping the twine, string, or thread around the base several more times and knot to secure the bundle wrapping. Keep in mind that it is important to bind the bundle tightly as the plant material will shrink as it dries, however not so tightly that the plant material can not dry out, the bundle falls apart during smudging, or does not burn properly. If it is bound too loosely, it may not burn or it may burn too quickly.

  8. Hang the bundle in a warm, dry place away from and out of the sun and with good air circulation for 7-10 days. The length of time taken to dry will vary depending on the thickness and the tightness of the wrapping.

For more information about air drying botanicals, click here.

Step 5: Burn the Bouquet

Supplies Needed:

  • Smudge, including sweetgrass (optional)

  • Wooden Match

  • Fireproof container filled with sand or dirt or a fire-pit

  • Feather, optional

Please respect the fire and burn safely and responsibly in a well ventilated area. Ensure that there is always adult supervision and never leave the fire unattended. Do not use if you are pregnant or around babies, young children, the elderly, or anyone with respiratory issues or breathing difficulties.

  1. In a well-ventilated area, ignite the smudge using a wooden match. If you are using loose smudge, light around the edges of the smudge. If you are using bundled smudge, light the end of the smudge bundle.

  2. Visualize and repeat your intent and begin to feel the results of your intent as if it has been achieved.

  3. Invoke the help of your spirit allies and helpers (spirit and animal guides, angels, etc.).

  4. Invoke the 7 directions starting by facing the East direction, the continue to the South, West, and North, then, looking up, down (touching the earth), and within (holding your hands over your heart). You might consider this blessing, "May the air clear my mind. May the water open my heart. May the earth support and nurture my body. May the fire purify my spirit. And the smoke carry my prayers.)

  5. Once the smudge begins to burn, blow out the flame(s) and allow the smudge to smolder slowly catching the ashes in a fireproof container. Or, set the smudge bouquet upright in a fire-proof container with the sand or salt, so that it does not fall over, and allow it to smolder.

  6. Using a feather or your hand, direct the smoke around your body and into the space. Offer a blessing, prayer, or affirmation. Optionally, you can add a smudge of sweetgrass to bring positive energy into the clear and cleansed space.

  7. When finished, offer a prayer of thanks and extinguish the smudge. Be sure to examine the smudge closely to make sure there are no embers burning. When cool, you can place the ashes in your garden. If you are inside, open the windows and exterior doors to allow the smoke to move out carrying with it energies of the smudge.

  8. Close your eyes, relax, take some deep breaths and enjoy the burn!

You can purchase smudge bundles or sticks. We love the variety and ethics of the Shaman’s Market. Bundles of smudge can be separated to allow the use of single leaves, if desired.

We'd love to know about the smudge bouquet you created. Please share your comments and a picture.


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